Online Orders

Frequently Asked Questions

How to place an order?

1. Log in to your MyJCCC account

  • Select "My Class Schedule"
  • Access your book list by selecting a book icon in the upper right
  • Then go to Select course materials


2. Order here.

  • You can either search by Course, type the CRN/Unique ID, or search for a specific Book
  • Select "View Course Materials"
  • Select Course materials by clicking on “Add to Cart” beside each book you are reserving.
  • Go to Shopping Cart.
  • Select “new” or “used” and continue checkout.
  • Select an order update action in case of material changes.
  • Check the box “I understand that by allowing the bookstore to modify the order the final total of my order may be increased”. Continue checkout.If you rent a book, please select “I have read a bookstore rental agreement” after reading the Rental Agreement.
  • Review order summary and apply promotions. Promotions will be entered at the time of completion by JCCC store.
  • Submit order.

Payment Options:

Credit/Debit card:

Please fill out payment information.

3rd Party Book Vouchers/Kansas Promise:

IN-STORE ONLY, please come into the bookstore to use this payment method or email [email protected] to make arrangements for shipping.
JCCC Campus Card (JCCC Book Advance):

If you have not been issued a physical ID Card, please use your Student ID Number. If you have a Student ID, you can find your Financial Aid number on the bottom right of your ID card.

  • You can order before your Book Advance is released, however, your order will only fully process once Book Advances are released.

Course Materials Defined:

Print: Purchase physical textbook

Rental: Rent physical textbook

Digital: Instant access eBook

Access Code: Physical item with a code purchased from the bookstore

DayOne: Included with tuition, no need to purchase (Click here for more info)


REQUIRED: The professor requires the textbook

OPTIONAL: The professor suggests the textbook

CHOSE ONE: The professor requires only one of the options


My Order Status?

1. Navigate to the JCCC Bookstore Website

2. Select Login and enter your email address and password to login. 

  • If you placed an order as a guest, please use the same information you used during the checkout process to login.

3. Click or tap on “Track Orders”