Faculty Resources


Faculty play a crucial role in the work we do in the bookstore each semester.
Your efforts are vital to ensuring that JCCC students have all the materials they need to be successful in their courses.


We ask for adoption information to be finalized before the end of the prior term in order to comply with the textbook information requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act.

The JCCC bookstore strives to have textbook information available to students by the time registration begins for each semester and your collaboration is greatly appreciated.


  • Fall Adoptions due early April
  • Spring Adoptions due mid-October
  • Summer adoptions due early March


To make sure your materials are available when students need them, please follow the instructions included in our Adoption Request email. You can submit your adoptions online here or email one of our buyers directly.
Your timely textbook adoption benefits students by allowing us to ensure that we can source sufficient copies of your selected materials at the best prices.


Name   Title   Email   Phone  
Beth Mason   Course Materials Supervisor   [email protected]   913-469-8500 xt 3326  
Diane Pateidl   Senior Buyer   [email protected]   913-469-8500 xt 3951  
Justin Cline   Course Materials Buyer   [email protected]   913-469-8500 xt 4002  
Rachael Kennedy   General Buyer   [email protected]   913-469-8500 xt 3977  
Mary O'Brien   General Buyer   [email protected]   913-469-8500 xt 4165  

Unique Course Material Items  

Kit Pic 4

Does your class require specialized course materials or custom kits such as Art kits, Drafting kits, Fashion kits, scrubs, or something else? We can work with you to build kits to meet your specific needs.
Contact us at [email protected] to inquire about the many options we can provide.


Video walkthrough of basic guided adoption

Guided adoptions are limited to one course/section at a time but do allow merchandise adoptions.


Video walkthrough of Quick Adoption

Quick adoptions allow entry of multiple ISBNs but do not allow for merchandise adoptions.




Why are textbook adoptions needed so far in advance?

In order to comply with the Higher Education Opportunity Act we need to have our course materials adoptions finalized prior to the start of student registration for the affected term. This allows students to see the true cost of their education at registration as well as ensuring that we can get the best price and availability of course materials for our students. Our deadlines are based on registration dates and are especially important when it comes to the Day One adoptions. Day One fees are applied to student accounts at the same time as their registration fees. If the Day One items have not been adopted by registration, it may delay student’s access to the true cost and cause potential delays when they are applied by the bursar’s office later.


What happens after I submit my adoption?

When you submit your adoption through our web adoption portal it will be processed by the course materials buyer responsible for your department. If there are any concerns or follow up questions, they will reach out via the email address provided with the adoption. Once the information is confirmed and the adoption is posted, an email confirmation is automatically sent out to the email provided with the adoption. Once a web adoption has been approved and posted it can not be redone or edited – if any changes need to be made after this point, please reach out to one of our buyers who will be able to assist you with your adoption from that point.


How do I get a desk copy?

Desk copies are provided by publishers – if you don’t already have contact information, please reach out to one of our buyers and we can help to put you in touch with the right people.


What is OER?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free and publicly available resources that reside in the public domain or under a license that permits their free use and repurposing. OER allows instructors to customize and redistribute information in many forms, including as a lab manual or course packet through the bookstore. The bookstore works with document services to provide these materials in print form at extremely affordable prices. If you have any questions about OER or custom materials, please reach out.


What is Day One?

Day One is the name of JCCC’s inclusive access program. This program provides students with their required course materials automatically at the beginning of the term and fees are included at the time of registration. This program aims to keep costs down while positively impacting student success by ensuring access to their required course materials. Day One is an option for many publishers and texts and can provide a considerable savings for our students when compared to other formats of the same titles. If you have any questions about Day One access or whether your materials are available in the Day One format, please reach out to [email protected].